Exploring Spotlighted Roles


Skill Passport aggregates jobs that are relevant to your career goals and job preferences. 


To apply for jobs on Skill Passport

1. Sign in Skill Passport

2. Select Jobs Matches from the left-menu

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3. Explore spotlighted roles in your area based on their demand and how the skills of the job posted match the skills assessed within your profile. 

  • Select the star icon to save the job
  • Select Apply to be taken directly to the posting 

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4. Select a job. A detailed view of job information and your skills match will be displayed.

You will be able to see gaps between your skills and the posting, along with your skill matches. 

* = Requires skills for the job. 

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5. If you possess a skill that is considered a gap, you can select Add skill to my profile.

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6. Click Submit application, and you will automatically apply to the job and see it added to the Applied section under Home

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7. You may also refine your privacy settings before selecting Submit and Continue

Screenshot - 2024-03-15T152317.817.png8. Or click Save if you're interested in the job and want to apply at a later time


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