Creating Your Skill Passport


In this article, we will take you through profile creation.


To create your Skills Passport profile, you have two options:

  1. Upload your resume automatically to populate your work experience and educational background.
  2. Manually fill out your profile information.

Create Account 

1. After receiving an invitation to Skills Passport, you can either continue with your social media accounts (Google, Facebook, or LinkedIn) or register with your details.

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Note: If you choose to register with your details, you must create a password, confirm that you are older than 13, and agree to the Terms of Use.

Once you've completed these steps, click on "Create Account."

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Tell Us More About You 

1. Enter your first and last name.

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2. Type your location into the location text field.

3. Enter your current or most recently held job title. This information helps the system recommend relevant Career Paths.

Other details include:

  • Your current or most recent annual salary

  • The types of jobs you would consider (you can select more than one)

  • Your willingness to relocate or work remotely

4. Select at least ten skills you possess by manually entering them into the search field or choosing from the suggested skills. Clicking "Refresh suggestions" will provide new skill options.

To receive accurate job matching and recommended learning content, it's essential to understand and individually assess your skills.

You can add skills to your profile and rank them on a three-point proficiency scale:

  • ENTRY LEVEL - You have limited knowledge and exposure to the skill, resulting in a fundamental understanding.
  • INTERMEDIATE - You have knowledge and practice using the skill without mastering the expert concepts.
  • EXPERIENCED - You have expert knowledge and use of the skills, with the ability to assist or lead others in their application. (1).gif

For detailed instructions on completing your Skills Passport profile, please look at Completing Your Skill Passport


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